R U Brown Piobaireachd Society of South Australia Inc.
Welcome to our website
The R U Brown Piobaireachd Society of South Australia was established in 1972 to fulfil Bob Brown's desire that we should regularly come together and play, not in the spirit of competition, but just to listen and enjoy all types and levels of pipe music.
Monthly Meetings
The Society holds regular meetings on the first Sunday of most months. Meetings are held at Payneham RSL, 360 Payneham Road, Payneham SA 5070 and begin at 2:00pm. Pipers are able to play both piobaireachd and light music to those in attendance. Alternatively, please come along to enjoy the music.
The Society Executive
President: Iain Carr president.rubrown@gmail.com
Vice President: Barrey Niven
Piping Principal: Brett Tidswell
Vice Principal Piping : Barrey Niven
Secretary: Heather Pennell secretaryrubrown@gmail.com
Treasurer: Heather Pennell
Floor Member: Carolyn Macdonald
R U Brown Gold Medal Competition
Each year in May, the R U Brown Gold Medal competition is held in Bob Brown's honour. The competition has grown to become considered by many to be one of the premier piping events in the Southern Hemisphere, our former winners are recognised as some of the World's best pipers. The Society welcomes all with an interest in Piobaireachd and the betterment of piping in general. You can find out more about our Gold Medal competition on this site.

Society Membership
If you would like to become a member of the R U Brown Piobaireachd Society of South Australia, please download and complete our membership application. AUD$25 annual fee applies. Applications can be emailed to our Secretary at secretaryrubrown@gmail.com.